
Sora’s Twilio integration allows you to send text messages as part of your automated workflows. This article provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the integration and using it within a workflow.

If you’re more of an auditory or visual learner, check out the following video which walks through the process of setting up the integration and using it to send an automated text message.

Setting up the integration

  1. Within Sora, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Twilio.
  2. In a separate tab, log in to your Twilio Console and find the Account Info section.
  1. Copy and paste the Auth Token, Account SID, and Twilio Phone Number from your Twilio Console into the corresponding input fields within Sora.
  1. Make sure the toggle is switched to Active before clicking the Save button.

Send a text message

  1. Add a new Integration task to your workflow.
  1. Click the Expand button to pull up all the task configuration settings.
  1. From the Action dropdown, select the Twilio - send a text message option.
  1. Expand the Twilio - send a text message options section to specify the Destination phone number by either typing a specific phone number or using a variable containing a valid phone number.
When messaging local phone numbers, the country code is optional and a variety of different formats are acceptable. For example, the phone number shown in the screenshot above could have also been inputted as 4153333333 or (415)333-3333. However, for international phone numbers, Twilio recommends using E.164 formatting to ensure proper delivery.
  1. Define the content of the message in the Text message field. You can use variables to personalize the message.
  1. Set the task Trigger and Filters settings which operate just like they do for any other workflow task.
  2. Click the Create (Publish) button to finish adding the task to your workflow. Alternatively, you can click on the Save as draft button.